CLA Scripture Memorization
Psalm 119:11 (NKJV)
Your Word I have hidden in my heart. that I might not sin against you.
Pick up one of the memorization papers at the table in the Lobby and begin memorizing the scriptures.
When you are ready, go to one of the following people on Sunday or Wednesday and say the scripture to them. They will sign and date next to the scripture.
Steve and Juanita Sitter
Larry and Pat Worden
Bob Ellington
Don and Toni Lombard
When you have completed all ten verses on a page turn it inot the office and we will print a certificate for you. We will gice the sheet back to you with the certificate.
When you have completed memorizing the scriptures on all five of the following pages, we will recognize you in the sanctuary and gice you a framed certificate of recognition.
Identity Scriptures
Salvation Scriptures
Promise Scripture
Healing Scriptures
God’s Greatness Scriptures.